Consequences Of Ignoring Impacted Wisdom Tooth For Long

Consequences Of Ignoring Impacted Wisdom Tooth For Long

Anyone living with an impacted wisdom tooth is very well aware of the complications that come with it. An impacted wisdom tooth is a relatively common dental condition where the wisdom tooth, also known as the third molars, fails to erupt through the gums fully. 

It is very challenging to clean such a tooth appropriately, making it easier for a plague to grow, ultimately resulting in conditions such as tooth decay, cavities, gingivitis, infections, and more. This makes it imperative to get such teeth checked by a dentist from a reliable clinic such as Sundance Dental Bloomfield. Still not convinced? Here are a couple of consequences of ignoring an impacted wisdom tooth for long.        

  • Unable To Brush Appropriately:

Wisdom’s tooth is also known for erupting at abrupt positions as it can never erupt from the gums entirely. This can make it very challenging to clean this tooth appropriately. Leaving such issues untreated or unexamined for long can result in dental conditions such as cavities, tooth decay, and even severe toothache. 

This makes it imperative to consult the experts from dental clinics such as Sundance Dental Care and get the wisdom tooth removed at the earliest before things get worse.

  • Cyst:

Cyst is a severe dental condition that can hollow the jaw or damage the nerves surrounding the impacted wisdom tooth. When an impacted tooth stays long in the gums, this can eventually give rise to conditions such as a cyst. 

The consequences of living with a condition like a cyst translate to facing extreme difficulties when swallowing, chewing, drinking, and even talking. This clearly indicates that a dental cyst is not something anyone wants inside their mouth. Extracting the impacted wisdom tooth is the only way to get rid of cysts and restore the patient’s oral health.

  • Infection:

Bacterial infections are the most potent enemy of any individual, leaving their impacted wisdom tooth untreated for long. These infections can further result in inflammation and swelling of the gums, making things worse for the patient. Dentists generally leverage different antibiotics to treat such bacterial infections. 

However, if the condition is severe, then oral surgery could be the only alternative that will allow the dentist to open the gum flap that prevents the tooth from abrupting. Additionally, such bacterial infections can impact crucial organs such as the heart and kidneys, among other organs. 

  • Adverse Impact On The Adjoining Teeth:

An impacted wisdom tooth can also be potent to all the adjoining teeth. This can often result in severe toothache in the adjoining, which can result from the pressure applied by the impacted wisdom tooth on other teeth. 

Dentists generally carry out an x-ray to determine the appropriate condition of the impacted teeth. The only way to get relief from such toothaches is Tooth Extraction, as there is no better alternative available when such issues escalate.

Bottom Line

An impacted wisdom tooth is not something you are not supposed to have inside your mouth. Naturally, leaving it untreated for a long time will result in different adverse consequences such as those mentioned above. Therefore, do the smart thing and treat your impacted wisdom tooth from experts at Sundance Dental Care at the earliest.      

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